Friday, August 12, 2016

How to Curb Overeating During the Holidays

1. Nurse your drink: Always have glass of water or a cup of hot tea in hand, so you need to consciously stop and put it down in order to eat.

2. Avoid the artificial sweetener: Studies have indicated that consuming artificial sweeteners in your drinks or desserts may actually trigger more hunger.

3. Plan your meals and portion sizes ahead of time: Cooking your meals for the week is a good way to limit what you eat.

4. Easy on the alcohol: Not only does alcohol add to your caloric intake, but a state of inebriation can give you false feelings of hunger, which will cause you to overeat.

5. Banish your food weaknesses: Keep all of the “trigger foods” out of the house entirely. That way, you’re not tempted to overeat.

6. Trick your brain: Use smaller plates and smaller portion sizes on your plate. When your eyes see that the smaller plate is full, you naturally trick your brain to thinking that you’re eating a sufficient amount.


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